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The module helps to add popup image ads on the home page related to products, offers, promotions, etc & showcase in the front office using an interactive popup.
Numerous studies show that conversion rates increase remarkably with the use of pop-ups. It is a unique way of commanding attention; a well-designed and well-written pop-up can be a real boon to your company’s lead generation. Pop-ups can be useful and a great asset when used properly.
Pop-up banners are also extremely durable.
Pay 30 euros amount on paypal email or google pay to get the multi-languages,multi-shops, multi-shop-groups and version 8.x.x support feature in the free addon.
1 Year Free Support.
For a demo on version 1.7.x visit the below links
Front-office Demo URL =>
Back-office Demo URL =>
For a demo on version 1.6.x visit the below links
Front-office Demo URL =>
Back-office Demo URL =>
PrestaShop Marketplace URL =>
Our YouTube Channel URL =>
Views: 31720 |
Customers Ratings | (1) |
The module helps to add popup image ads on the home page related to products, offers, promotions, etc & showcase in front-office using an interactive popup.
Numerous studies show that conversion rates increase remarkably with the use of pop-ups. It is a unique way of commanding attention; a well-designed and well-written pop-up can be a real boon to your company’s lead generation. Pop-ups can be useful and a great asset when used properly.
Pop-up banners are also extremely durable.
This helps to increase sales, and customer attention on various festival offers like Christmas offers, Black Friday offers Good Friday, Thanks Giving Day, Marketing, Sales, etc.
Visibility. One obvious advantage is its visibility. It’s the first thing that visitors see when they go to your site. It immediately catches their attention. The manner in which you design your pop-up can dictate though if they will take the bait or not.
Increase in traffic conversion. Studies have shown that pop-ups are 13 times more effective at generating clicks and opt-in subscribers than standard banners.
Features :
- Facility to add multiple pop-up ads from back-office Dates and popup images.
- Search facility in back-office.
- Products offers and promotions in front-office in an interactive way.
- Showcase products.
- SEO friendly.
- Support all browsers: Firefox, Chrome, IE, Safari, etc.
- Lightweight. (Smaller file size which loads faster.)
- Increase sales, conversion rates, and product promotions.
- Maintain existing customers & Attract new customers.
- Lower marketing expenses, exposure to potential customers, and reach targeted audiences.
- Compatible with PrestaShop 1.5,1.6 ,1.7,8.0
- Multiple browsers compatibility(IE, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome, and Edge).
- Mobile, Tablet, and all devices compatible.
- Multi-language and Multi Store compatible.
- Module works without doing any change in existing files on PrestaShop store versions.
- 24*7 Support
- Good Documentation
Benefits for Customer :
- Customers trust your products & services.
- Maintain existing customers & Attract new customers.
- Increase in sales and store traffic.
- Lower marketing expenses, exposure to potential customers, and reach targeted audiences.
Installation :
Step 1: Upload the module zip file from the back-office Module & Services menu tab. Module Manager area using the upload button. After the successful installation module menu, the link will appear in the left menu or top menu in the back-office more area.
Step 2: Install the module using the install button.
Step 3: Visit the module management page from the back-office "More" area (section) in the left menu in the back-office.
Step 4: The module installation process is very easy, how module configuration works can be seen in the demo instance.
Step 5: Please visit our demo instance for module configuration and usage demo.
- Module works without making any change in the existing PrestaShop file so that existing customization and theme change do not affect.
- We provide free technical and feature support in installation, and configuration, as well as access to updates available for this product.
- Free support on installation, configuration, and customization as per store requirements, for example, new hook addition to your store
Recommendation :
Please visit the developer's modules page for other interesting modules
Other :
Please leave your valuable feedback and rating after purchasing and using the module.
This will help to increase self-confidence, improve service, and enhance the module as per requirements to make it better for different online stores.
Please note only the free module will send an email to a developer with only a website link to know the module is installed successfully and working fine. This is to know module working fine and do future improvements and enhancements inside the module. Customer's success is our satisfaction.
Download Module and Documentation
Demo URL =>
Product FAQs (Questions, Answers).